Being Human… Resource Manager

on Apr 18, 2013

“What is the job of an HR”, a co-worker casually asked one day, smiling.  While being my politest best, I shared an array of daily activities that keep me involved day in and day out. Next came the question, “you must be enjoying taking interviews; throwing volley of questions and rejecting candidates”. And, I didn’t know what to say!

Is it really that simple? I think not!

HRMRecruitment is a role which directly impacts the revenue of an organization. From the cost involved in sourcing to adding the resource to the organization; it is indeed a tight rope to walk. Putting it simply, it is all about reaching out to the vast talent pool & finding out the best fit for the organization that’s really a value addition. From a Resource Manager’s eye, it is an experience that’s new every time and leaves you thinking.

Having started my career with a manpower solutions co.; I very early figured out that recruitment is a challenging job with strict targets and stricter deadlines. A company screens numerous resumes; meets scores of candidates and in the end hires a candidate who has it all. What really makes one a chosen one? Education, experience, communication-skills or just looks (Don’t be surprised… many will agree that this is a selection criterion at some places)?

The real picture is much wider. I remember interviewing a guy for a Sr. Technical Position in the company who knew technology like the back of his hand, but it was his arrogance which made us think twice. And our verdict was – he’s not a team player and hence not fit for the organization.

The job of an HR is to not just throw random questions at a candidate, but assess their whole personality and talent and find a complete package that fits into the organization seamlessly.

It is not just the books or the knowledge that is sought. Infact it is the earnestness towards work, towards learning, towards doing things better and together with others that needs to be assessed. And, believe me… it’s not that easy a job!

Ruchi Jayaswal [Team OMLogic]

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