Google Gets A Revamp!
on May 23, 2016

We all have been complaining about Google showing 4 ads at the top of every search page. In a bid that looks like it will curtail some of the impact, Google has shaken things up on this front.
They have increased the column for organic search results to about 600 pixels from 500 pixels. The whitespace area between the results and features in the right sidebar has been decreased by 5 pixels, from 65 pixels to only 60.
Featured snippets, local packs and AdWords have all been impacted by this new change. Also, with the reduction in space, some content will move up a notch, which will mean more search results may be visible in the first scroll.
There have been other minute changes which would impress the copy writers and SEO peeps immensely. Some of them are listed below. More detailed analysis will follow in future blogs.
1. Title will now be 70 characters long as compared to 55-60 characters previously.
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2. Description lengths have been increased by 16-20 characters.
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3. Featured snippet height has been reduced but the width has been increased. The new width is 646 pixels.
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4. Local map packs increased to 3.
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5. Wider AdWords section.
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This currently is in the testing phase and we are waiting for it to be rolled out officially for us to analyse in more detail. All we can say right now is Google for once is thinking organic results versus adwords.
Do you think that minute changes like these can improve user experience and provide better visibility to brands? Let us know in the comment box below.
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