Team work, the OMLogic way - Airtel Half Delhi Marathon blogged!

on Nov 24, 2008

"The surest way to be late is to have plenty of time."

-- Leo Kennedy

Time, as they say flies, and it literally did on 9th November 2008, when Delhi ran and ran and ran!

And so did we! Yes! Team OMLogic proudly presents the nine wonders, who held each other high in completing the half marathon successfully. There have been several quotes on team work and what not, come to the practical aspect and well today we define team work for you!

Tring Tring….its morning 6:30 and Pradeep called up all charged, to know where I am, and I was just about getting ready to dash off. Okay so I did break the speed laws, Oops! But here I was 15 minutes flat at the common meeting point, where we all ganged up all ready to fly 21.097 Km. the shuttle bus was brimming with enthusiastic people of almost all ages.

The morning sun looked perfect, with the slight winter nip catching up, everyone looked geared up to join in the fun! Did I say fun! Well, yes, it was fun right from the word Go!

Pradeep, Me, Raj and Lalit, well we reached as per IST about 7 minutes late for the race and here we were attracting all the attention of the crowd, the shutters and for almost a moment I felt like wow man I’m a celebrity! But now we had a target to achieve, and the first one was to catch up with the rest of the team, our super runners (Kapil Nakra, Kapil Gupta and Umrao)!

The start line was all brimming with people cheering in support of the runners. Well that was enough for the feet to self start and run hard! And so we did, waving our hands to the crowds.

And now comes the fun filled ORDEAL!

21 km, that’s it, well I’ll do it in about 2 hours. And we all were pretty much sure. The first one kilometer was all charged up. Pradeep and Lalit, I clicked them at achieving the feat. Negotiating the first turn we saw cameras covering the event LIVE and cheering the crowd were absolutely cool folk dancers from Punjab, swaying to the beats of the dhol. Quite refreshing it was!

But where is the fun? I say?

Its an order by the author of this post to not laugh! No laughing at all! (kidding)

Well, we were pretty charged up running in all glory crossing the two kilometer line, when we suddenly saw a group of skinny and bony runners running like there is no tomorrow in the opposite direction!

There goes our 25 thousand dollars I sighed!

So we had just another 19 kilometers to cover, when they had another two, talk about motivation! And so we had a hearty laugh in all amazement, man what do these people eat?

Lalit, I think was the most logical amongst us, when he remarked, “mai toh jeetne aaya tha, par ab kya faayda, next auto pakad ke wapas chalet hain” (I came here to win, but what’s the point in running now, lets catch an auto and head back).

Teamwork, ever heard of it anyone?

Well, so we ran a bit more, crossing the four kilometer mark, with our breathing pattern almost as if we haven’t breathed for almost ages now! And then I started walking, walking as if my target was to complete the marathon in two days! Though I must mention that the arrangement for water and other support was great.

Kahani mei twist hai (this story has a twist)

Here we are joined by a damsel (Jaya Nakra) kapil Nakra’s wife. And we got introduced as if we walked 4 kilometers just to say hi. Anyways we all started from this point onwards. With all that was left in us, walking-running-walking was pretty much what everyone was doing, though as usual there has to be someone super intelligent always to comment in any team, and surprisingly there were TWO!

Me and Lalit, whenever Jaya, Raj, Pradeep used to run, we always had the same thing to say, “bhaagne do, jitney mei yeh aage tak pahunch ke ruk jaayenge, we’ll reach walking” (let them run, till the time they would reach some distance and stop to catch their breath, we’ll reach walking).

When you walk the talk, it pays off!

Well, Me, Jaya and Raj were casually walking and talking when we suddenly saw a guy with a mic in his hands running towards us, screaming something…and then we had a camera in front of us and we were on MTV! So much so for the race, after the brief stint of fame, we all thought “bas apna paisa to vasool ho gaya” (getting featured on MTV, well worth our money).

But when it’s a team it’s a team, we run together and we laugh at ourselves

Its teamwork all the way! Crossing the ten meter mark was like an achievement in the mind, yet we were al perplexed that why are we doing this to us? Tomorrow should be a gazetted holiday in Delhi, at least this was one thing which the whole team agreed toJ

Even the guards standing at the gates of people’s houses had words of advice for Jaya!

So I was really hungry and almost on the brink of I can’t go further, had almost decided that I’m catching an auto from here and leaving home. But the team spirit stayed and the donning the OMLogic shirt, how could we not achieve our mission?

Houston, we’v got a problem

Almost all the rest of the way we were walking-running doing something to make sure that we do it!

Where are Kapil and Kapil?

So we were not able to catch up with either of the two who had finished the race and were coming back from the finish point. Anyways, finally we took a U turn and started running back to where we started from.

Inspiration – perspiration!

On my way back, I saw this old man running and breathing heavy wearing yellow colored shorts and shirt, which mentioned him as Dr. Rao, born 1932.

And were we all amazed, the speed at which the man crossed us and was no where near to be seen in about 5-7 minutes was almost like a strong gust of wind passing you by and in a second everything is quiet.

And so I would love to mention a similar sight at the beginning of the race, a weared out old man, who may be nearing mid 80’s with his stick walking in all enthusiasm.

The Airtel Delhi half marathon was full of such inspiring sights and we were motivated to complete the race now!

I want attention, look at me!

A strange looking group of young boys and girls dressed as if there is dearth of clothes and as if all the attention should be on them only, were shouting the name of the company they belonged to, and marching to the tune of their band. Majority of the crowd did not get the best vibes from the presentation.

So here are the weird moments of the race.

We are Indians, we know our H-inglish!

So, I was crossing this over bridge running towards the finish line, and suddenly on the pavement I saw this board which said “Police cheking ahead” (I have the pic will share soon)!

My lucky moment

So how could I miss this? Lucky lucky!

Coming back with the team, two beautiful damsels crossed and suddenly stopped by asking me to click them! Well, ladies I think we forgot to exchange our numbers!

If you get this post, I’m @ OMLogic! ;)

YES! We’ve done it

And so came the moment! Finally we saw the finish line and the clock, and it was a moment which cannot be described in words! It was the loudest YES I would probably have cheered for in my life!

Where are you?

Finding each other in the crowd was difficult, somehow we managed to catch hold of each other at ground zero!

Ohh! Certificates as well, and a medal, wow running was worth it!

So the race finally ended on a high when we got to know that all the participants of the half marathon were getting certificates and medals and we all cheered up!

Breakfast @ 12

So we finally decided enough is enough. Either you get me food or I’ll eat you guys off! ;) and the entire OMLogic team proceeded with lots of money in every pocket to a famous eating joint.

Was a great day! This is Life @OMLogic.

We have fun, we hold each other dear, and we win races as a team for our clients!

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