Why you should be on Facebook.

on Mar 27, 2010

Being on Facebook is like being a citizen of third most populated country in the world. Well, don’t be surprised. If Facebook were a country it would have been the third most populated county in the world.

Personally I’ve become addicted to Facebook, and in particular with the Facebook Platform and the FanPages. I’ve spent hours upon hours experimenting with new ways it provides to connect and communicate, I’ve created several successful fan pages and communities for my clients and in this article i’ll try to explain how to use Facebook to make a big impact on your business, and why it’s substantially different than any other social network that’s come before.

There are two primary ways for companies to market on Facebook. The first is through Facebook Groups and the second is through Facebook Pages. Groups are more focused on bringing together groups of people who share common interests, whereas pages are places where users can interact around and with a particular brand or product. They share their opinion about you, your products or get in touch with you through your page.

Because Facebook pages are typically the best option for organizations to promote themselves on Facebook, I will focus on Facebook pages throughout this article.

Creating your Facebook Business page:

  1. Creating your genuine Facebook profile would always be the first step to being successful on Facebook.
  2. Create your Facebook business page with your Organization name or specific product where you want your fans to engage or share their views. Keep in mind Facebook is not a selling platform, it will always be a risky decision experimenting it.
  3. Clearly define the objective behind creating the page, your objectives should always have a goal to develop a community through interaction with the public.
  4. Your page must give a social look from the first impression; avoid limiting it to boundaries and certain users. However, relevancy is always an important criterion.
  5. Make full use of Photos, videos etc. to make your page look more interactive.
  6. Make a custom landing page for users; don’t make them fall directly on your page wall without providing them the clear idea behind your initiative. You can create custom tabs with the help of Static FBML language.
  7. Make your page active by posting Atleast one update daily. Don’t post long and 2 many updates in a particular day; fans may get distracted with your updates popping up everytime when they log in.
  8. Make it a habit of responding to the fans comment or their posts on your wall. They will get the return out of their participation as they will not feel isolated and left out.
  9. Applications are the best way to promote your content available on the web, you can find many applications advantageous to your page.
  10. Contests and Promotions always generate lot of engagement among community members so don’t miss the opportunity to offer some rewards to your fans. You can send a message to all of the fans of your page with a special promo code for a freebie or invitation to an exclusive event. Then, use the Wall or Notes section to publicize the winner of the promotion.
  11. Get more fans to your page by running Facebook ads. It is tough to get the large fans without using Ads.

The most successful business pages (if you measure success by the number of fans and level of interaction) are those that foster and encourage user’s comments and reply to those comments sincerely whether they are positive or negative. So, in conclusion, don’t hesitate to go out and join the community, interact with your customers, and most importantly, listen to what they are saying about you, your organization, and your competitors.

If you like to harness the power of Social Media and want to make a strong brand presence on Facebook and other Social Media networks, please feel free to drop us a mail at info@omlogic.com.

Click here to connect me on Facebook.

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